TUESDAY 8:00 Wheel of Fortune and Terror 8:30 The Price is Right if Saddam Says its Right 9:00 Children are Forbidden to Say The Darndest Things 9:30 Iraq's Funniest Public Execution Bloopers
WEDNESDAY 8:00 Buffy the Yankee Imperialist Dog Slayer 8:30 My 33 Sons 9:00 Just Shoot Me 9:30 Veilwatch
THURSDAY 8:00 Osama Knows Best 8:30 M*U*S*T*A*S*H 9:00 Veronica's Closet Full of Long, Black,Shapeless Dresses 9:30 My Two Baghdads
8:00 Judge Saddam
8:30 Captured Iranian Soldiers Say The Darndest Things
9:00 Married with 139 Children
9:30 No-witness News
8:00 Spongebob Squareturban
8:30 Who's Koran Is It Anyway?
9:00 Teletalibans
9:30 Who Wants to Marry A Terrorist Millionaire?