Gisteraand het ek gevra dat ek julle Rams Mabote se storie oor Phunyukabemphethe lees. Vanoggend wil ek vir julle verwys na Tony Jackman se stuk oor Pieter-Dirk Uys, Zuma en Zapiro.
Jackman se blog is baie mooi voorbeeld van die ou gesegde: ’n 100 woorde spreek ’n 100 prentjies.
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In ons eie new version of the famous work by artist Nina van der Westhuizen, Evita is as near as naked as her modesty would allow as the seventh Mrs Zuma, leading, in Uys’s words, “the total onslaught against Constitutional Freedom on the barricades of our young democracy”. In “Tannie leads the People”, Uys’s satirical alter ego has a reluctant entourage including a gun-toting Julius Malema, Tutu looking worried, Carl Niehaus looking jobless and even lifeless, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela at Evita’s feet, Mbeki looking vanquished, Malema looking out of control, and Motlanthe merely looking on.
Jackman sê ons moet mense soos Uys en Zapiro koester. Ons moet dankie sê vir mense soos Tutu. Hoekom? Want ons vergeet maklik van die dae toe dinge regtig erg was in hierdie land.
A man who had the courage to savage successive apartheid governments through humour now found himself facing what he perceived as the possibility of the media and arts having to face off new threats to hard-won freedoms. He averred that, in those dark days of the 80s, it was only his white skin that saved him: “I had the advantage of being white. If I had been black I would not be alive today.”
Lees gerus verder. Jackman is ’n storieverteller van formaat. En hy vertel oor ander storievertellers soos net ’n storieverteller kan.
Ek sê ons moet die storievertellers koester. Sonder stories het ons nie ’n kollektiewe bewussyn nie.